Driverless delivery vehicles will be on UK roads by 2018, thanks to a Welsh startup

elsh startup, The Academy of Robotics (AOR), will be bringing its autonomous delivery vehicle, Kar-Go, to UK roads after securing new funding.

The startup has raised more than £320,000 through crowdfunding, using Crowdcube, which will then be matched by one of the “largest tech companies in the world”.

The group’s founder, William Sachiti told Verdict he couldn’t reveal the name but that it was a “tech company from the East”, which was a “household name and most people have heard of them”.

“They said to us, we will give you all the money you need but you need to first raise a quarter of a million in the UK and then we will match it and go forward,” said Sachiti.

Armed with the new funding, AOR is ready to start developing the commercial vehicles.

Modelled after Renault’s electric Twizzy vehicle, the cars are being developed by the UK car manufacturer, Pilgrim Motor Sports.

03. August 2017

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